Digital Triage
Every case involving digital forensics is unique – and so are client timelines and budgets. Veracity Forensics uses a “digital triage” approach to identify and understand the evidence involved regarding the concerns of the client. It isn’t always necessary to perform a full analysis of each and every evidence item that comes into play during the lifetime of a case. By triaging the evidence to focus on sources with the highest chance of results, we produce the most time and cost-efficient results for everyone involved. Initial artifact analysis can help pinpoint media that might be of importance, along with which media might be shifted down the priority list. In cases involving dozens of original evidentiary items, digital triage can quickly turn the tide to ensure deadlines and cost-consciousness are kept in mind and the goals are reached without unnecessary work and expense.

Dallas 214-495-1305
Houston 713-568-0248
Toll-Free 877-499-6878