Gene Zinovchuk
Gene has over 20 years of experience in Digital Forensics, eDiscovery and litigation support, with previous computer programming and data recovery experience. He helps lawyers and their clients collect, preserve, analyze, and understand digital evidence so that they can uncover the truth and make intelligent decisions.
Gene investigated complex cases including intellectual property theft, fraud and abuse, asset misuse and violations of corporate policy. He conducted searches and seizures of digital assets and retrieved, reviewed and analyzed digital evidence from myriads of different sources. Gene testified numerous times in Court of Law and helped to draft and signed multiple affidavits and declarations. He has performed services within all the stages of the EDRM (Electronic Discovery Reference Model) including Identification, Preservation, Collection, Processing, Review, Analysis, Production, and Presentation of electronic evidence. Gene is Encase certified and a Licensed Private Investigator.
In the free time, Gene enjoys the outdoor activities and handyman projects.

Dallas 214-495-1305
Houston 713-568-0248
Toll-Free 877-499-6878